Merchant Cash Advance

Come to Us for Your Merchant Cash Advance Needs

As a small business owner, there may be times when you’re strapped for cash. This is normal and is part of the natural ebb and flow of the economy. When you need money right away but don’t necessarily want to take out a loan, you can come to Atlas Finance Solutions for a merchant cash advance.

The nice thing about a cash advance is that it’s not really a loan—meaning you don’t have to make monthly payments on it. Instead, we advance cash to you that’s taken against your future credit card sales. The repayment terms are remarkably simple and you don’t have to physically send us anything. Instead, we’ll take a small percentage of your credit card sales and put that money toward your cash advance.

Program Advantages

Besides the obvious advantage of not needing to make set monthly payments, here are some additional benefits associated with our merchant cash advance program.

  • No application fee
  • No need to put collateral against your loan
  • Minimal paperwork requirements
  • Money to spend freely on inventory, supplies or anything else

Here at Atlas Finance Solutions, we have a reputation for approving companies that have previously found it difficult to get financing. Even if your credit profile is not the best, we’ll do what we can to work with you. Contact us today to request your merchant cash advance application.